7 Lessons for Overcoming Obstacles to Your Success in Expediting

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Nov 7th 2016
You're blindsided with news that your carrier is getting out of the business, and now you're scrambling to find another company before you burn through cash reserves. Or, you've added a new $180,000 expediter truck to your fleet, but it's parked, not earning any income, because freight has slowed down. Whether you're an expedite owner-operator, fleet owner, or both, one thing's for sure: you face numerous obstacles that knock you off kilter, causing you to feel overwhelmed an...

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Knowing When to Find Another Carrier

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 31st 2016
When Dave Corfman started in expedited trucking with Roberts Express (now FedEx Custom Critical) in the mid 1980's, business was good. Real good. "The pay was phenomenal. It was nothing to get $3.00 or $4.00 a mile on a load. But, you know, competition has a way of changing the dynamics of that," Corfman recalls. At the time, Roberts Express was the pioneer and main player in expediting, with few competitors. Today, the market landscape has changed, with numerous carriers vyi...

3 Valuable (Yet, Free) Resources to Help You Thrive in the Expedited Trucking Business

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 24th 2016
As an expedite owner-operator or fleet owner, you have greater control over your financial destiny than you would as an employee. But you also take on more responsibility and risk. After all, you still have to pay for your truck, insurance premiums, and all sorts of on-going expenses, whether or not you're delivering enough loads to cover all your costs. So, if you're new to the expedite business, don't try to "figure it out" on your own and put your financial future in jeopa...

Don't Become a Victim! 5 Tips to Protect Yourself on the Road

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 17th 2016
When you're out on the road, you're not always in the best areas of town. And you never know when you're at risk of getting robbed or assaulted, whether you're a solo driver or run as a team. So, what can you do to protect your property--and yourself? Here are five tips to give you greater security and peace of mind when you're on the road. 1. Be aware of your surroundings."The biggest thing is being aware of your surroundings at all times and not letting your defenses down a...

Enjoying the Journey: Top Places to See During Your Travels

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 10th 2016
One of the perks of being an expedite owner-operator or driver is that you get to travel the country, usually on someone else's dime. But, more often than not, you might be so focused on the job at hand that you miss opportunities to see really interesting places and have great experiences that help you "enjoy the journey." So, what are some of the top places to go and see throughout the U.S. when you're out on the road and in between loads? EO recently caught up with long-ti...

Why Truckers Will Still Have Jobs in a Self-Driving Future

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Sep 19th 2016
Recent developments in driverless vehicles could have huge implications on the future of trucking. In April, three autonomous Mercedes-Benz semi trucks completed a cross-border convoy drive from Stuttgart in Germany to Rotterdam in the Netherlands -- about 400 miles -- as a "connected," self-driving platoon. Last month, Uber purchased Otto, a six-month-old startup founded by former high-level Google employees that develops self-driving systems for heavy trucks, signifying the...

Straight Talk on Buying a Truck

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Sep 6th 2016
As an expedite owner-operator, your income is generated by your truck. But when you consider that a new truck can cost anywhere from $150,000 to over $200,000, you're making a big investment with significant risks involved. So, how do you minimize your risks and make the best decision for your business and budget? That was the thrust of the workshop on "Straight Talk on Buying a Truck," held on July 15 at Expedite Expo 2016 at the Lexington Center in Lexington, Ky. The sessio...

Expedite Expo 2016 Workshop: Life on the Road as Team Drivers: Pros and Cons

By: Sean M. Lyden, Saff Writer
Posted: Aug 29th 2016
Driving as a team in expedited trucking offers numerous financial benefits, especially for husband and wife teams, where all income goes to the same household. But you also have to get used to the day-to-day life of two people living in cramped quarters inside the truck for weeks and months at a time, which can create significant challenges, if you're not prepared. Is team driving right for you? What is it really like to operate as team in expedited trucking? How do you capit...

Five Audiobooks to Help You Become a More Profitable Expediter

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Aug 16th 2016
As an expedite owner-operator, you spend long hours behind the wheel delivering loads. But you're also a business owner who needs to run a venture as profitably as possible to secure your financial future. So, how can you use all those hours of driving time more productively -- to expand your knowledge, learn new skills, and become a more profitable expediter? With Audible, an Amazon company, you can invest that time in professional development by listening to books wherever ...

Expanding Your Knowledge -- and Network -- to Win in Today's Freight Market

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Jul 28th 2016
When the trumpet player sounded the traditional Kentucky Derby call at 9:00 a.m. on July 15, at the Lexington Center in Lexington, Ky., the 16th annual Expedite Expo was off and running -- a "race" packed with education, networking, and entertainment. And it finished strong the next day with a driver appreciation BBQ at 4:00 p.m. Launched in 2001, Expedite Expo has been the only trade event focused exclusively on the expedited trucking industry, attracting thousands of attend...

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