Deck the Hauls 2016: 6 Holiday Gifts Your Favorite Expediter Will Love

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Dec 19th 2016
Have an expedited trucker on your holiday shopping list? Don't know where to begin to figure out what gifts they would love and actually use? If you're stumped on what to get your favorite expediter, you've come to the right place. Here are six ideas to help you choose the perfect gift for your driver. 1. The Truck Driver's Pressure Relieving CushionSince your favorite expediter spends long hours behind the wheel, this seat cushion can help a driver feel better, be more ale...

How Wreaths Across America Honors Our Fallen Heroes (and How You Can, Too)

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Dec 12th 2016
This Saturday, December 17, is National Wreaths Across America Day, when thousands of volunteers will converge at Arlington Cemetery and over 1,100 other locations across the nation and abroad to remember America's fallen heroes, as they place a wreath on each veteran's grave, saying that person's name aloud and thanking them for their service to the nation. Since those wreaths are laid at the graves of military personnel, you might assume that the cost is covered by the gove...

Women In Trucking Association Welcomes Expediter Services as Gold Level Partner, adds Jason Williams to Board of Directors

By: Contributing Writer
Posted: Nov 21st 2016
Women In Trucking Association adds new Gold Level Partner, Expediter Services, to include President, Jason Williams to the board of directors. PLOVER, WI -- NOVEMBER 21, 2016 -- The Women In Trucking (WIT) Association is pleased to announce the addition of Expediter Services (ES) as a new Gold Level Partner. Expediter Services has a focus driven purpose to help people succeed. They have partnered with WIT to better serve women in expediting with an ever-growing opportunity. T...

How We Got Started in Expediting: Heather and Jason Hutchens

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Dec 5th 2016
Heather and Jason Hutchens--who you might recognize from their Our Life on the Road video blog on looking for a career that would allow them to work and travel together. And after several months of extensive research in 2012, they discovered the opportunity they were seeking: expedited trucking. So, in January 2013, the Hutchens launched their new career together and haven't looked back. Prior to expediting, Jason had worked for a hot-shot delivery ...

Don't Be a Victim: Prevent Cargo Theft

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Nov 28th 2016
One of the perks of being an expediter with the right credentials is that you get to haul exotic and often highly sensitive freight that pays really well. But that also makes your truck a high-value target for thieves. And if you're not careful, you could be putting your career in jeopardy. That's because if you're a victim of cargo theft but found to be negligent in the incident--such as for leaving the truck unattended or unlocked--not only would you be responsible for payi...

4-Point Checklist for Selecting a Liftgate for Your Expediter Truck

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Nov 14th 2016
A liftgate mounted on the rear of your truck enables you to load and unload heavy cargo more efficiently, in a way that reduces your injury risk and shortens delivery times. But when it comes to liftgates, one size (or type) does not fit all applications. So, how do determine what's best for your business--and budget? Use this checklist to help you gather the information you need to make a smart decision. 1. Type of LiftgateThe first step is to choose the most appropriate lif...

7 Lessons for Overcoming Obstacles to Your Success in Expediting

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Nov 7th 2016
You're blindsided with news that your carrier is getting out of the business, and now you're scrambling to find another company before you burn through cash reserves. Or, you've added a new $180,000 expediter truck to your fleet, but it's parked, not earning any income, because freight has slowed down. Whether you're an expedite owner-operator, fleet owner, or both, one thing's for sure: you face numerous obstacles that knock you off kilter, causing you to feel overwhelmed an...

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Knowing When to Find Another Carrier

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 31st 2016
When Dave Corfman started in expedited trucking with Roberts Express (now FedEx Custom Critical) in the mid 1980's, business was good. Real good. "The pay was phenomenal. It was nothing to get $3.00 or $4.00 a mile on a load. But, you know, competition has a way of changing the dynamics of that," Corfman recalls. At the time, Roberts Express was the pioneer and main player in expediting, with few competitors. Today, the market landscape has changed, with numerous carriers vyi...

3 Valuable (Yet, Free) Resources to Help You Thrive in the Expedited Trucking Business

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 24th 2016
As an expedite owner-operator or fleet owner, you have greater control over your financial destiny than you would as an employee. But you also take on more responsibility and risk. After all, you still have to pay for your truck, insurance premiums, and all sorts of on-going expenses, whether or not you're delivering enough loads to cover all your costs. So, if you're new to the expedite business, don't try to "figure it out" on your own and put your financial future in jeopa...

Don't Become a Victim! 5 Tips to Protect Yourself on the Road

By: Sean M. Lyden - Staff Writer
Posted: Oct 17th 2016
When you're out on the road, you're not always in the best areas of town. And you never know when you're at risk of getting robbed or assaulted, whether you're a solo driver or run as a team. So, what can you do to protect your property--and yourself? Here are five tips to give you greater security and peace of mind when you're on the road. 1. Be aware of your surroundings."The biggest thing is being aware of your surroundings at all times and not letting your defenses down a...

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